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10 Web Design Mistakes You Should Never Make in 2023


The majority of your competitors’ websites not only have a beautiful design but also a huge number of awesome features and excellent functioning. The major justification for the work that goes into these websites is that it brings in visitors, but there are other good reasons as well.

Here are the topics we will cover in this article

  • It Takes Too Long for Your Website to Load
  • Your website doesn’t support mobile devices
  • Bad layout or design
  • You’re Ignoring a Call to Action
  • You never use analytics or SEO
  • Your website is missing the right information
  • Font size, style, and color issues
  • Continue to update and refresh your content
  • Links to social media that are ‌Visible
  • Your Website Lacks Security

Remember that people have more choices than ever before, so if your website is not offering them all of the elements that they need, then they will almost certainly look at another option.

10 Web Design Mistakes You Should Never Make in 2023 SEO HOW

We’ve listed 10 typical common web design mistakes that can be restricting the potential of your website so you can fix them. So, without further delay, let’s get started!

1. It Takes Too Long for Your Website to Load:

You might rethink some design components if your site is taking too long to load. The user experience on your website will improve as it loads more quickly. We’ll just touch on the foundational ideas that will get you started as there are many tips available regarding how to make your website faster.

The first thing you should think about is optimizing the photos on your website, especially the ones on the home page. Users will leave a landing page with photographs and graphics that take too long to load, so make sure to reduce the size of your images and optimize your content whenever you can. Heavy plugins, themes, and modules can further increase the time it takes for your website to load.

The process can be sped up by updating these components to newer versions, especially if you haven’t updated them in a while.

2. Your website doesn’t support mobile devices:

You are losing out on a lot of visitors if your website is not responsive, mobile-friendly, and fits nicely to a smaller screen. This is because users of mobile devices will leave your page if they are unable to access it or properly read its information.

That means that more than half of your visitors expect you to give a quality experience to their mobile devices. Therefore, if you want to keep this big part of users engaged with your content, you should make sure that you can meet their expectations.

3. Bad layout or design:

Users must be able to use your website easily, especially if there is a specific purpose you want them to do, like signing up for your newsletter or purchasing something from your store.

Likely, your website’s user flow has not been properly planned out and constructed if you haven’t given this any thought. This frequently leads to users becoming trapped in a loop where they are unable to understand your content, which means they will not come back.

You should examine how your design and layout elements are currently created if you are seeing a reduction in users or poor user retention. You run the risk of confusing and frustrating your customers if your menu layouts are unclear.

4. You’re Ignoring a Call to Action:

This point builds on the previous one and goes a step further. If you see that even if you are receiving a lot of traffic, your goals—such as getting users to buy a product or sign up for a free trial—are not being met, you may not be focusing your users’ attention in the right direction.

Implementing and making clear your Call to Action is the best and most efficient approach to achieve this. This is the main motive behind your users’ first visits.

5. You never use analytics or SEO:

A diagnosis is necessary before a condition can be treated. The finest diagnostic tools for measuring the popularity of your website are SEO and analytics, which can inform you of how well it is performing in terms of positioning and ranking.

Because the second or third pages of a search engine results list are a lot less likely to be noticed, SEO will ensure that your website appears considerably higher up on the search results pages.

6. Your website is missing the right information:

If you do not list your interests and businesses on your website, you are losing out on significant traffic because visitors are eager to learn more about these things.

Add Google Maps to your location section if you want to draw customers to your physical location. You should also have the exact address information on hand so that customers can find your company quickly.

You are wasting both your time and the time of your visitors if they are sending emails to an address that is never read, so be sure to stay on top of user correspondence and respond as frequently as you can.

7. Font size, style, and color issues:

You have a serious issue if your readers are unable to view the text on your blog or the primary navigation menus. For your readers to acquire the most information from your site with the least amount of effort, you must choose the best colors and fonts for maximum readability.

You will lose a mobile user before they complete your call to action if they can’t read the text or if the font doesn’t automatically shift to the correct size and layout.

Mobile customers will have a difficult time trying to scroll across the screen, line by line if your website is not responsive. The majority of consumers would prefer to find another reading source than put up with that kind of trouble; thus you might miss out on a client. Be careful of page responsiveness while designing text elements.

8. Continue to update and refresh your content:

You know how an old website appears to users if you’ve ever been to one with out-of-date content or an ignored news section. People are less likely to interact with a website that can’t answer their questions and are therefore more likely to look elsewhere for news and content.

Make sure to stay on top of this with your website so that you can draw in new people and then keep them coming back frequently with new content. People want current, fresh content that follows its delivery schedule.

9. Links to social media that are Visible:

If your social network links are prominently displayed at the top of your page, you run the risk of driving visitors away before they have a chance to read the entire content of your website.

Social media links will direct visitors away from your website and to the page of the relevant social media platform. Instead, place it near the bottom of your website so that visitors can read it before leaving, or place discrete shortcuts on your contact page.

In this manner, your chances of getting website visitors to fill out a contact form or sign up for your newsletter are doubled.

10. Your Website Lacks Security:

A website is not secure if it lacks a valid HTTPS certificate. Modern browsers will only consider your site to be secure if it has an HTTPS certificate. Users will get notifications immediately in their browsers warning them that your website is unsafe if these are not in place.

In order to prevent vital information from being intercepted by online thieves, HTTPS encrypts data between your website and the user, keeping it private and encrypted.

Read Secret Guide to SEO

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