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5 Easy Tips for Optimizing Your Website for Search Engines in 2023

Top 5 tips of SEO in 2023 by SEO HOW

5 Tips of 2023

There are 5 easy tips that can help to rank your website at the top of search engine results. These suggestions can boost your search engine optimization (SEO) and help rank your website.

Here are the topics we will cover in this article

  • Keyword Research
  • Social media integrations
  • Mobile-Friendly Website
  • Improve Website Speed
  • Build Quality Backlinks


Always try to publish the most relevant and quality content, it is very important for SEO. Each user is searching for the most accurate data, and quality content can help you increase site traffic. When writing a content piece, identify the specific keywords and phrases for your site. The easiest way to identify a keyword phrase is by thinking about how users will search for your site using specific terms or statements and what they would expect to see on a page about it. Find keywords that are relevant to your business. Begin by using a broad term and then move towards your niche.

You can use multiple keyword phrases, but always remember to use very similar keyword phrases, as it is very difficult to rank your site using multiple keyword phrases. Normally it is recommended to rank different keyword phrases, but instead, it is better to make separate pages than to add them to a single site. Various free and paid tools are available for keyword research, which can be utilized.

Once you have carefully identified the keyword phrases for your site, use those keywords in the content of your website to encourage search engines to display the website content to users. Quality content is also a significant factor for SEO. Therefore, create quality content with repetition of the keywords and phrases numerous times across the page, once or twice in the opening and closing paragraphs, and at least two to four times in the rest of the text.

Get a Guide to Keyword Research… FREE!


When it comes to SEO, social media has no direct effect. However, the links you post there will definitely promote your business. Your content will be widely shared, increasing your online visibility, organic traffic, and, of course, brand awareness. Social media integration is critical because it has a secondary impact on ranking variables and, as a result, the quality and quantity of site visitors. Content that really connects with readers will result in an increase in brand followers. This is because you have something they want to buy, so you are giving it to them. That’s why they’re checking out your content and sharing it among their networks. Now that’s it, you can use social media to your benefit. Your content will reach a wider audience if you publish it on social media. You may boost your online profile, get more visitors, and generate more backlinks by doing so.


Businesses should think about developing mobile-friendly websites as more consumers use their phones to search the internet. Making your website mobile-friendly simply means that your site can fit on any screen size (desktop as well as a mobile screen). It is important because if anyone is searching on a mobile phone, then search engines will only show mobile-friendly sites. If your site is not mobile-friendly, it will not be visible in top searches when using mobile. Especially in Google algorithms, it is an important ranking signal, they detect whether the site is mobile friendly or not to show it on mobile. If it is not mobile-friendly, then the search engine will not suggest it in searches.

It is very important to make your site mobile friendly, especially when your business is relying on ‌traffic coming from ‌mobile users. To design a mobile-friendly website, always use a responsive layout design. A responsive layout will automatically scale the layout according to the mobile or desktop screen. Most website builders, for instance, Wix and WordPress, have mobile-responsive themes that can be customized as required.

When making your site mobile-friendly, avoid using pop-ups on mobile screens. Pop-ups look better on desktop screens, but on mobile screens, the screen size is small, and pop-ups do not perform well. Make the font size large enough so that it can be visible on a mobile screen without zooming. Adjust the size of buttons by keeping in mind that the user will click by touching them. So, make sure that your site is mobile-friendly so that search engines can rank it for mobile users.


Website speed is important for SEO and conversions. Google has revealed that site performance (and thus page speed) is one of the signals used by their algorithm to rank pages. A poor page speed implies that search engines can scan fewer pages with their crawl budget, which might impact your indexation. Page speed is also critical for user experience. We have also explained the importance of speed in SEO; we encourage you to read it also.

You can understand the importance of site page speed with an example. For instance, if a website is taking too much time to load, you’ll most likely hit the “back” button and go look for something else. On the other hand, if a website is loaded by just clicking the link, you will get engaged with the content on it. When talking about mobile users, it is more significant.

You can use a tool called “PageSpeed Insights” developed by Google. It can help you evaluate the loading speed of your website along with the performance of your site on desktop and mobile devices. This tool also gives you suggestions for improvement.

There are various ways to optimize ‌website speed; some of them are as follows:

Initially, enable compression using the GZIP file compression software tool to minimize the size of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that are larger than 150 bytes.

The speed of a website can be greatly improved by “minifying” the code (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) by getting rid of extra characters, commas, and spaces and not using them.

Optimizing images can also aid in reducing the website’s loading speed dramatically. Make sure your graphics and images are not bigger than necessary, that they are in the correct file type (PNGs are normally preferable for graphics with less than 16 colors, while JPEGs are better for photographs), and that they have been compressed for the site.


Backlinks are an important aspect of improving your website’s ranking. The number and quality of inbound links to your website are one of the most important ranking factors. Your site’s reputation increases when other, more reputable sites connect to it. Your pages’ search engine rankings will increase as you work to create a strong backlink profile. Obtaining high-quality backlinks is work, but the payoff is worth it.

Think about sending emails to niche influencers and related blogs. Send them a link to your post and the webpage where you’ve included one of their videos or links to articles. Social media integration has the potential to generate a large number of backlinks. This would be advantageous for both social media marketing and SEO.

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