All Post, Digital Marketing For Beginners

Beginners Guide: What Is Digital Marketing And How Does It Work?


Digital marketing can be easier than it seems from the first moment, While it may seem as an overwhelming concept, it really doesn’t have to be! In this blog post, we’ll explore the basics of digital marketing and how it can help businesses reach potential customers in a meaningful way, so after reading this post you can go and improve your chances of success already today. From search engine optimization to content marketing, we’ll go over the different types of digital marketing tactics, the benefits, and the challenges that come with it.

Digital marketing word made from Scrabble game tiles

SEO HOW | Digital Marketing Basics

So, if you’re curious to learn more, grab a cup of coffee, a note pad and a pen and let’s get started on this digital marketing journey together!

Here are the topics we will cover in this article:

  1. Introduction
    1. Definition of Digital Marketing
    2. Overview of How Digital Marketing Works
  2. Types of Digital Marketing Tactics
    1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    2. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
    3. Social Media Marketing
    4. Content Marketing
  3. Benefits of Digital Marketing
    1. Increased Reach
    2. Improved Targeting
    3. Cost-Effectiveness
  4. Challenges of Digital Marketing
    1. Rapidly Changing Technology
    2. Difficulty Measuring Results
  5. Conclusion
  6. Q&A

Check out also our Q&A section below where we try to give as detailed answers as possible about the most common topic industry questions!


Definition of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing, my friend, is like a secret sauce to boost your business! It’s the magical combination of technology, creativity, and strategy that helps you reach your target audience and convince them to buy your product or service, like a wizard casting a spell! It’s a way to put your brand in front of the right people at the right time, whether they’re scrolling through their Facebook feed, searching for something on Google, or just checking their email. The great thing about digital marketing is that it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach and there’s a variety of different strategies you can use, from search engine optimization (SEO) to social media marketing, to even using chatbots to interact with your customers! Think of it as a choose your own adventure book for your business, with endless possibilities. So let’s dive in, and discover the world of digital marketing and how it can work wonders for your business!

Overview of How Digital Marketing Works

Okay, so you’re interested in digital marketing but you’re not quite sure how it all works. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Imagine digital marketing as a cake recipe (yum!) with many different ingredients, each playing its own role in creating the final masterpiece.

  1. First, we have the foundation: your website. This is where everything begins. It’s the hub of your digital presence, where customers and prospects can learn more about your business and take action. Like the flour in a cake, without a good website, you don’t have anything to build on.
  2. Next, we have search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. These are like sugar and butter, they make your website sweet and irresistible to search engines. SEO helps your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), while PPC allows you to pay to be at the top of SERPs.
  3. Next, we have social media marketing – the icing on the cake! This is where you connect with your customers and prospects on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. It’s like adding a cherry on top of your cake, it just makes it look so much more attractive and delicious.
  4. Lastly, we have email marketing – the cherry on top of the icing! This is where you can connect with your customers and prospects through their inbox. This is like adding a cherry on top of the cherry, it’s just that extra special touch that makes your cake stand out from the rest!

So you see, digital marketing is a lot like baking a cake. Each ingredient plays an important role in creating the final masterpiece, and with the right recipe, your business can reach new heights and be the sweetest success in town!

Team of employees are browsing Searching Engine Optimizing SEO ideas to grow business

SEO HOW | Digital Marketing Basics

Types of Digital Marketing Tactics

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

We’re getting to the meat and potatoes of digital marketing now, and first up on the menu is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Think of it as the salad of your digital marketing meal, it’s essential to a well-rounded strategy. But, unlike salad, SEO is not something you can just throw together and expect it to be delicious. It takes time, effort, and the right ingredients to make it work.

The goal of SEO is to make your website easier for search engines like Google to understand and rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). It’s about making sure your website is relevant, informative, and user-friendly for both search engines and human visitors. The way it works is by using a combination of techniques like keyword research, content optimization, and link building to help your website rank higher in search results when people are searching for terms related to your business.

It’s like trying to get the best seat at a popular restaurant, the better your SEO, the higher you will be in the search engine results, and the more likely people are to see you, and just like in a restaurant, the first page is the best, you want to be on the first page of the search engine results!

Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

Up next in the digital marketing smorgasbord, we have Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC). Think of it as the starter of your digital marketing meal. But, unlike a starter, it’s not always necessary to have it, it just makes it more enjoyable.

PPC is a type of online advertising that allows you to bid on specific keywords and phrases, and then display ads on search engines and other websites when people search for those keywords. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad. It’s a great way to drive targeted traffic to your website and generate leads and sales.

It’s like ordering food delivery, PPC ads are like the delivery driver, they bring the food – in this case, traffic right to your door!

The way it works is pretty simple: you choose the keywords you want to bid on, set a budget, and then create ads. You can choose to display your ads on search engines, like Google and Bing, or on other websites that use advertising networks like Google AdSense. When someone searches for a keyword that you’re bidding on and clicks on your ad, you’ll be charged for that click.

But, just like ordering food that maybe is not even that good or you just don’t eat it at the end, too much of it can be bad. So, it’s important to keep an eye on your spending and make sure you’re getting a good return on investment (ROI) for your ad spend.

PPC advertising can be a great way to quickly drive targeted traffic to your website, generate leads and sales, and complement your SEO strategy.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is the next meal on our digital marketing buffet. Think of it as the dessert of your digital marketing meal, it’s the sweetest and most enjoyable part.

Social media marketing is the process of using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote your business, build brand awareness and drive engagement with your target audience. It’s a way to connect with your customers and prospects where they spend a lot of their time, and create a relationship with them.

It’s like going to a party, social media platforms are the party and your brand is the guest that gets invited. Social media is all about having a conversation, interacting and building a community, it’s a two-way street and not just a one-way broadcast.

The way it works is by creating a profile on a social media platform, then creating and sharing content that is relevant and interesting to your target audience. You can also use paid advertising on social media to reach a wider audience and drive more engagement.

The key to success with social media marketing is consistency, just like eating dessert, you need to have it regularly for it to have an impact. It’s also important to be authentic and engaging in your approach, just like at a party, you need to be yourself, have fun and engage with others for it to be enjoyable for everyone.

Social media marketing can be a great way to build brand awareness, drive engagement, and even generate leads and sales. So, let’s grab a fork and dig into the delicious world of social media marketing and see how it can help your business grow! You can start it already today!

Content Marketing

Last but certainly not least, in the digital marketing feast, we have Content Marketing. Think of it as the side dish of your digital marketing meal, it complements the main course perfectly.

Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing valuable and relevant content to attract and engage with your target audience, and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. It’s about creating valuable and informative content like blog posts, videos, e-books, and infographics that educate and entertain your audience, positioning your business as an authority in your industry.

It’s like cooking a meal – you need the right ingredients, a good recipe and the right tools to create a delicious meal. Similarly, content marketing requires quality and valuable information, it needs to be engaging and relevant to your target audience, it needs to be presented in the right format, and it needs to be promoted effectively.

The way it works is by creating and publishing content on a regular basis that provides value to your target audience, whether that’s through a blog post, a video, or an infographic. You can also use email marketing, social media marketing, and other digital marketing tactics to promote your content and reach a wider audience.

Content marketing is a long-term strategy that takes time and effort to see results, but when done correctly, it can help establish your brand as an authority, drive targeted traffic to your website, generate leads and sales and build trust with your audience.

friends holding thought bubbles with-social media concept icons that are describing what Digital Marketing is.

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Benefits of Digital Marketing

Increased Reach

One of the biggest benefits of digital marketing is the ability to reach a larger and more diverse audience. It’s like getting a megaphone for your business!

The days when you had to rely solely on traditional marketing methods like print ads and billboards to reach your target audience are gone. With digital marketing, you can reach people all over the world with the click of a button everywhere you go.

Thanks to the internet, your business can now have a global reach and target specific demographics like age, location, interests and behaviours and even emotionally touch a person from another side of the world. Social media platforms, in particular, allow you to target specific audiences based on a wide range of demographic and psychographic information. This can help you reach the right people at the right time, increasing the chances of conversions and sales.

Reaching a larger audience also means you’ll have a greater chance of reaching new customers and expanding your customer base. And, let’s be honest, who doesn’t love making new friends – customers?

In addition, digital marketing allows you to track and measure your reach and audience engagement, so you can see how your campaigns are performing and make adjustments as needed. This way you can fine-tune your efforts and maximize your reach.

Improved Targeting

When it comes to digital marketing, precision is key, and improved targeting is one of the biggest benefits. It’s like having a heat-seeking missile for your marketing campaigns!

Traditional marketing methods can be a bit hit or miss, with a spray and pray approach. But digital marketing allows you to get laser-focused and target specific audiences based on a wide range of criteria, such as demographics, location, interests, behaviours and even past purchasing behaviour.

For example, if you’re selling skincare products, you could target women, aged 25-45, who are interested in skincare and have recently purchased skincare products online. This way, your marketing efforts will be directed at the people who are most likely to be interested in your product, increasing the chances of conversions and sales.

By targeting the right people at the right time, you’ll save money and resources by avoiding wasteful spending on advertising to people who are not likely to be interested in your product.

In addition, you can track and measure the results of your targeting efforts, allowing you to make data-driven decisions about your marketing campaigns. By constantly adjusting your targeting, you’ll be able to improve your ROI, and achieve better results.

In summary, improved targeting is one of the most powerful benefits of digital marketing, and it allows you to reach the right people, at the right time, with the right message, just like a heat-seeking missile for your marketing campaigns!


One of the most attractive benefits of digital marketing is its cost-effectiveness. It’s like getting a discount card for your marketing expenses!

Traditional marketing methods, such as print ads and billboards, can be quite expensive and may not provide an accurate return on investment. Even more – they are not really measurable either. Who will tell you how many times did people got their eyes on the poster near the bus station? Noone really! But not only measurable, digital marketing also allows you to reach a larger audience at a fraction of the cost. For example, social media marketing is relatively cheap, and you can reach a large audience without spending a fortune. Or you pay, let’s say, 20 Euro to Facebook and get your ad in front of a couple of thousands of people. I bet you will spend more money on that poster at the bus station!

Digital marketing also allows for easy tracking and measurement of your campaigns, so you can see exactly where your money is going and what’s working and what’s not. This way, you can optimize your efforts and make data-driven decisions about your marketing campaigns, improving your ROI.

You also have the flexibility to adjust your budget as needed, so you can reallocate funds from underperforming campaigns to those that are delivering better results.

So, whether you’re a small business owner or a marketer working with a limited budget, digital marketing offers a cost-effective solution to reach and engage with your target audience, just like a discount card for your marketing expenses!

Business owner faces challenges of Digital Marketing and receives lot of paperwork and questions from his colleagues.

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Challenges of Digital Marketing

Rapidly Changing Technology

Digital marketing is like a wild rollercoaster ride where you never know what’s coming next! One minute you’re cruising along, thinking you’ve got it all figured out, and the next morning you wake up frantically trying to catch up with the latest technology trends.

Take the rise of mobile devices for example. Remember when we all thought that having a website that looked pretty on a desktop was all we needed? Nowadays, if your website isn’t optimized for mobile, you might as well be handing out flyers on a deserted island. It’s like trying to play a game of Tetris on a calculator, it’s just not gonna work out today. Even trying to make sense of all the metrics and platforms sometimes is like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube with one hand tied behind your back.

But what is the most challenging part of digital marketing? Standing out in a sea of competitors. And whats more – everyone in the sea are sharks – angry sharks chasing every single sale they can catch. It’s like trying to find your car in a parking lot the size of Texas. But once you find it, it’s like finding a needle in a haystack, which is always satisfying! And there goes the lesson – never give up! Many new businesses fail too quickly just because of struggling to overcome some basic issues.

Keep your wits about you, stay nimble and be prepared to roll with the punches and you’ll be sure to come out on top.

Difficulty Measuring Results

When it comes to digital marketing, one of the biggest challenges is trying to measure the results of your campaigns. Sure, there are a ton of metrics and analytics tools out there, but it can feel like trying to find sunshine in the night to figure out which ones are actually meaningful and which ones are just noise. And again, even if you figure it out, a month later Facebook releases a new update and you can start your learning process pretty much all over again.

For example, let’s say you’re running a Facebook ad campaign. On the surface, it may seem like the campaign is a success because you’re getting a lot of clicks. But are those clicks actually converting into sales? Without proper tracking and measurement, it’s difficult to know for sure. It’s like throwing a party and having no idea how many people showed up or if they had fun, you just know you spent a lot of money on it.

Measuring the results of your digital marketing campaigns can be tricky, but with the right approach, you can get a clearer picture of what’s working and make data-driven decisions to improve your campaigns. Don’t let me scare you, just be prepared to put some work in – the hardest work always brings the sweetest results!


In conclusion, digital marketing is like the superhero of the business world. It’s the one thing that can save the day, increase reach, and target the bad guys (aka your competitors). With tactics like SEO, PPC, social media marketing and content marketing, you’ll have all the weapons you need to take over the digital world. But just like every superhero, there are always challenges to overcome. Rapidly changing technology and difficulty measuring results are like kryptonite to digital marketing. But don’t worry, we’ll always find a way to overcome these obstacles, just like Batman always finds a way to defeat the Joker. So, grab your digital marketing cape and fly to success!

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